The purpose of the Project is to increase the energy efficiency of the School Complex Facilities in Góra by improving their thermal insulation properties, with the overall objective of protecting the environment through reducing the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere. Reference is made to the application dated 25 November 2005, and correspondence with the Focal Point dated 14 December 2006, 14 February 2007, 22 March 2007, 26 March 2007 and 12 April 2007. The completed Project shall include the following activities and results: - External thermo insulation of the Building Segment A, Building Segment C and the Gymnasium (sports hall). This includes the replacement of windows and doors, roof construction, buildings insulation and elevation, and modernising the central heating system installation (pipes, heaters, thermostatical valves); - Project publicity. The Project Promoter is the Górowski District. The Focal Point shall ensure that the Project Promoter provides at least 15 percent of the estimated eligible Project costs.