The purpose of the Project is the development of a methodology guide for identifying habitats in Polish marine areas (PMA) and their valorisation based on scientific and technical achievements according to methodology consistent with European norms, with the overall objective of sustainable development of PMA preserving their biological diversity realised through the preparation of spatial planning proposals, in full consideration of their ecosystem values. Reference is made to the application, dated 21 June 2006 and additional information received from the Focal Point, dated 29 August 2006. The completed Project shall include the following activities and results: - Definition of the ecosystem approach to the spatial planning of marine areas; - Inventory of archival environmental data pertaining to PMA that are indispensable for creating EUNIS classification level 3 habitat maps; - Environmental pilot studies at level 5 of the EUNIS habitat classification; - Development of a collection of maps (atlas) of marine habitats and ecosystem valorisation for the most sensitive areas in the Natura 2000 network; - Spreading of information for scientifically based spatial planning of PMA (production of publications and scientific papers); - Construction of an Environmental Database (EDB) to assist in the protection and spatial planning of PMA. The Project Promoter is the Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences. The Project will be implemented by the Project Promoter together with six partners; the Institute of Oceanography at the University of Gdansk, the Sea Fisheries Institute (in Gdynia), the Maritime Institute in Gdansk, the Polish Geological Institute (Marine Geology branch), the Norwegian Institute for Water Research, and GEOMOR (the Geoscience and Marine Research & Consulting Company). The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education shall provide at least 15 percent of the estimated eligible Project cost.