The purpose of the Project is to strengthen the institutional capabilities of self-government administration as regards sustainable development, with the overall objective of strengthening West Pomerania voivodship self-government units through widening the knowledge and skills of the public administration staff on commune and poviat level, thereby increasing the quality of public services. Reference is made to the application dated 28 march 2006, and to the letter of the Polish Focal Point dated 17 July 2006. The completed Project shall include the following activities and results: conducting training for 500 self-government staff at commune and poviat level. The training will consist of two stages, in which the first stage will relate to training in the fields of public procurement law, construction law, financial analysis in investment processes, administration law, investment feasibility studies, and how to obtain financing from EU funding schemes. The second stage will concern training in the fields of personal data protection, IT-skills, electronic signatures, desktop IT-applications, and administrative IT-tools. The Project Promoter is the Union of Towns and Communes of the Parseta River Basin. The Project Promoter shall provide at least 15 percent of the estimated eligible Project cost.