The purpose of the Project is to strengthen the administrative capacity of the SIRENE bureau, with the overall objective of strengthening of the international co-operation in law enforcement and ensuring successful participation of Latvia in SIS II. Reference is made to the application, dated 18 June 2007, and any subsequent correspondence through the Focal Point. The completed Project shall include the following activities and results: - Compliance of SIRENE information system with SIS II; - Interactive vocabulary development for the State Police personnel; - Practical training for SIRENE operators; - Training courses in SIS II for SIS end-users; - Language training (English, French, Spanish) for SIRENE personnel; - Development of SIS handbook for SIS II and relevant SIS II implementation; - Project management (including publicity). The Project Promoter is the State Police of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Latvia. The Focal Point shall ensure that the Project Promoter provides at least 15 percent of the estimated eligible Project cost.