Restoration of Deguciai St. Vincent Ferrero Parish Church as an object of the cultural heritage

Project facts

Project promoter:
Deguciai St. Vincent Ferrero Parish
Project Number:
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 347,390

More information


The purpose of the Project is preservation of building of cultural heritage in Šilute and increasing the number of tourists visiting the region, with the overall objective of preservation of Deguciai Village St. Vincent Ferrero Parish Church. Reference is made to the application dated 28 April 2008 and any subsequent correspondence with the Focal Point. The completed Project shall include the following activities and results: - Management and publicity; - Public tender; - Technical project and technical supervision; - Restoration of the church and campanile; - Improving the area around the church (including fencing, pavement, grass); and - Audit. The Project Promoter is Deguciai St. Vincent Ferrero Parish. Subject to national law, the Project shall be implemented in partnership with the Administration of Silute district municipality. The Focal Point shall ensure that the Administration of Silute district municipality provides at least 20 percent of the total eligible Project costs.