The purpose of the Project is the restoration of Kaunas Castle and its adaptation to public needs, with the overall objective of conservation of cultural heritage in Lithuania. Reference is made to the application dated 3 August 2007 and subsequent correspondence with the Focal Point 15 October 2007, 18 December 2007 and 10 January 2008. The completed Project shall include the following activities and results: • Technical documentation of the planned measurements of restoration; • Archaeological research documentation (survey) of the Artillery Bastion (register no. G286K 2P) up to 5 m depth within an area of 500 m2; • Restoration works at the South-Eastern Tower and two wall fragments; and • Project promotion The Project Promoter is the Administration of Kaunas City Municipality. The Focal Point shall ensure that the Project Promoter provides at least 15 percent of the estimated eligible Project costs.